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tv   [untitled]    December 9, 2012 4:00am-4:30am EST

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if you move. from phones to pressure. stunts on t.v. don't comb. the latest news on the week's top stories the egyptian president gives up his converse on new powers but stands firm on a draft constitution referendum this as the opposition refuses to back down. as fears mount among western nations that syria may on leave its chemical weapons to watch the rebels many wonder if it's all just a pretext for an iraq style invasion. israel's drawn the wrath of the international community this week with major powers of the u.n. lambasted the country's illegal decision to expand salmond building on palestinian lands.
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at one pm in the russian capital you're watching r t with me marina josh egypt's president has scrapped the decree that gave him sweeping new powers and effectively put him above the law of the land but the opposition says that's not enough as a referendum on the controversial draft constitution is still scheduled for next week the military has stepped in to act as a buffer between the warring sides it's beefing up a barricade around the presidential palace which has come under attack from protesters for the latest on these developments here's journalist bell true in cairo. it does come as a bit of a surprise at the moment as people really think you know the president wouldn't move on his stance against the opposition forces demands yesterday is tough today they had a meeting which was dubbed the national dialogue meeting between political party leaders the president and his cabinet notably some of the key opposition forces that form the national salvation front that are behind the protests and since the engine. last few weeks not present the results of the controversial decoration
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would be revoked which of course is president morsi sweeping powers which is part of one of the demands of the opposition forces and widely seen as a good move however they are rendered on the constitution which the opposition forces see to be illegitimate as it was drafted by islamists clinching the curation constituent assembly would go ahead on the fifteenth and this is why the problem lies the opposition forces replied yesterday saying that the results of the b. thing were meaningless as the president hasn't seen to move forward with that demand against this referendum or the group said that it was really just another form of deception this comes after the military stepped up security around the presidential palace behind me in the last two days that you see to statement yesterday saying that they were calling for dialogue and this was the only way to get the nation out of its crisis implying that perhaps they were willing to take a role in the ongoing situation in egypt we've seen quite
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a lot of violence on the streets since this one second of november when this concept of the decree was announced by the president as rival groups have met in class which is actually the deaths of at least seven people on wednesday we have yet to see really what will happen in the in the coming future the president keeps by this referendum and i'm sure that the opposition forces won't move to really even though we had this development yesterday at this meeting they're still looking at the divided egypt's political deadlock well the opposition are willing to back down some observers say president morsi is facing a new revolution that could spiral into civil war. he feels that if the vote goes and you get more sure as you get the constitution passed. and i think the opposition knows that you can do that there are forward they want to stop that vote could i do to prove to a series of leadership that was once here is that they want to start the process all over again it was zero actually they want
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a new election maybe one new parliament and new things to change those new constitution so what are you going to do if you're going to try to kick them out of power if you try to change could match. new risks a civil war risk we're going the islamist into the streets as long as population who makes up. i don't think goes or is pushed. so we're it's a very very dangerous situation especially for my own situation. raval verbs from across syria are uniting under one military commander the latest western backed effort to topple the government fears are also being voiced in the west out regime may use its chemical weapons arsenal to root out opposition fighters are to count reports. u.s. officials said intelligence agencies have detected that assad's government has been
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preparing its chemical weapons stockpiles will possible use the obama administration's message to syria the u.s. is ready to act if you make the tragic mistake of using these weapons there will be consequences and you will be held accountable there will be consequences. there will be consequences we have sent a an unmistakable message that this would cross a red line next how does america the media quickly picked up on the alarming news of the syrian government's alleged plans citing secret intelligence for fox news confirms that syrian troops now have the deadly nerve agent sarin gas weaponized and at the ready the syrian government flatly denied the possibility saying it would not use such weapons against its people. we would not commit suicide we fear there's a conspiracy to provide a pretext for any subsequent interventions in syria by these countries during creasing pressure on syria the syrian government sure knows that if they use
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chemical weapons it would give nato and some of their arab neighbors who are itching to intervene in syria the green light to go ahead with their plans damascus itself says it would be suicidal for them to do so but with the fear and the hype building up over the use of chemical weapons against civilians in syria it seems the u.s. might be preparing grounds to jump the gun on this one the jumping the gun scenario is not new for the u.s. almost ten years ago the bush administration confidently presented false evidence to invade iraq america's cited bogus intelligence on saddam hussein's chemical weapons that never existed the invasion triggered a civil war that killed more than one hundred thousand innocent iraqis and years later all washington had to say about this was the president thought it was correct congress thought it was of course i regret that it turned out a lot of it was wrong in the run up to the iraq invasion the us media was instrumental in selling the case to the public the congress never had any proof
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ever present ever of weapons of mass destruction all came from tony blair to cheney and bush and congress who writes now that the us has drawn a red line on syria it has made it clear it's ready to take action but how i'm not going to telegraph in any specifics what we would do in the event of. a credible evidence that the assad regime has resorted to using chemical weapons against their own people but suffice it to say we are certainly planning to. take action if that eventuality were to occur to american warships are already near the syrian coast with some ten thousand. u.s. marines and dozens of fighter jets on board on top of that nato is sending american german and dutch batteries of patriot anti-aircraft missiles to turkey's border with syria meaning hundreds more u.s.
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and european troops will be deployed to the frontier nato says deploying patriot missiles along syrian borders is a defensive step to prevent syria from attacking turkey i don't think there's any requirement whatsoever for patriot batteries on the ground in turkey again the patriot missiles are designed to really protect primarily against incoming theater ballistic missiles to recruit the syrians are not according to a turk to turks the turks of the most powerful military establishment in the region the largest army in nato and intervention in syria will be as bad if not worse than what we experienced in iraq the pentagon said they would need seventy five thousand troops to secure syria's weapons of mass destruction the question on everyone's mind is are they seriously considering that kind of a mess of intervention because that could mean another you rock coming soon and the invasion that could be followed by years of bloody civil war in washington i'm going to check and. meanwhile another troubling video appeared earlier this week on the web the very five foot it shows what's claimed to be
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a rebel fighter using chemical weapons on lab rabbits after the test the masked man then threatens to use the poison on syrian civilians for them to play with them and you will die like rabbits you enemies of allah you see them they were killed by other chemical and biological weapons then he will be like them because you want to support his son god is great and asia times correspondent have asked our sinks the reason why the syrian regime could be relegating their chemical weapons is to put them out of the reach of the militias. every massacre that happens anywhere even in the suburbs of damascus we know these are people there in future injured by islamists games as well and sometimes these are protected by these weapons games themselves supported by saudi arabia some by cats or logistical support by turkey buying weapons in the black market the in the middle east and as
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far as the ukraine as we already are we have to own our allies the picture of missiles at the border with the latest high by the usual e.u. and name us officials of chemical weapons being deployed that ourselves are just completely absurd hype you say that they are ready mix of the components the components are mixed when you already have a weapon already loaded with this components which are kept separate and then the chemical reaction itself happens inside the missile after it has been wrong still nobody is mixing any saying at the moment whether we need to speculate but with a certain degree of reason is that the league moving some of these chemical weapons so they won't be captured by some of this is not just gangs in fact at beach or missile is that attack weapon is not of the trigger and i don't know specially of course it isn't that the syrian army would never launched missiles across the border against their keep because they know they will be attacking our nato allies
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and just a few minutes on our team india has and they should tell you a slice of the record of boiling gas reserves in the south china sea but with basing be the regions power house we explore it there is enough room for the team to grow. and britain is split over the conversational meter now bell that is supposed to shield users from harm as some claim could undermine their rights. routine and some don't. so you simply do not believe they come speak and goodness how they can wrong oh. oh it's an international sled dog race with those driving the dogs. coming from as far away as a strand in canada and the us they come to russia and everybody is so very friendly
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they welcomed me with open arms and the scenery is so beautiful it's very much like a laska and so i felt at home the first ladoke was brought here from australia now let's try and come to this remote russian village to take part in the race it's not surprising they love it this scenery and trails are amazing but even more amazing is the story of how racing first started here atoll it was in the top. grazing who set the trail ablaze but a nun and four opens were brought to life. five years ago mother of a bill to dog kennel in the village kids from the local open age came around to take care of the dogs and one day they state their life might seem extreme to some the boys wake up at six to feed to the dogs before school in the evening they spend up to three hours training their full legged friends but smother her schedule also
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encourages her kids to become depth hands on the computer and internet the boys regularly updated their website and they're in touch with the busy ma the twenty four seven on the phone itself but children are the most important thing my own interests not play any rule any more and regardless of whether parsky has hoskins window race or not she hopes the competition will take place in the village next year. but called these dogs and the children it really is not the winning but actually just the taking part that counts.
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would be so much brighter if you move it. from funds to pressure. me to start totty dot com. world. science technology innovation all the developments around russia we've got the future covered. welcome back you're watching r.t.e. now in britain and new bill designed to tackle crime by using information stored in
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cyberspace is already being branded by many a violation of privacy are just probably boyko explains what kind of implications the law will bring. the way it would work if pasta is that the police and security services would have unbridled access to your internet data by obliging mobile phone service providers and internet providers to store that internet history your data for yeah now the government say that it's a necessary move in order to safeguard the public and to fight crime that's being organized through the internet increasingly such as that extremism and paedophile rings but civil liberties groups are up in arms about it they say it's an in and infringement of your civil rights they've called it the snoopers charter and we hit the streets of london a little bit earlier to talk to the general public about what they thought of the prospect of the government being able to snoop in on the e-mail history of their web browsing history and their social networking history let's take
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a listen to what they told us how would you feel about the police having access to past internet search history not so good without my consent i think something like my concern i wouldn't mind seeing right to privacy just. would not be. i would mind but only if it was authorized by a magistrate on the very condition i think you have to have control of one area of your life or look them in one area. they have access to areas that i am secretary to reason may she's behind the draft bill and she's been lobbying it quite aggressively and some critics saying in rather a bizarre fashion actually she said in an interview with the sun criminals terrorists and paedophiles will want m.p.'s to vote against this bill whereas victims of crime police and the public will want them to vote for it and it's a question of whose side you're on now i've got mick pickles who's the director of
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civil liberties group big brother watch in the studio here with me now and then here's something to you on are all the people opposed to this legislation criminals terrorists and paedophiles. the home secretary suggests no it's politically ridiculous to say that everybody opposed this bill falls in those categories there are people from every political party senior law enforcement officers technical experts so i think it was a very crude argument. but we've got interpol saying that cyber crime is now one of the fastest growing criminal activities on the planet i mean the government's right for looking for some sort of solution to this growing problem while in the big think about this bill if you're looking for a needle in a haystack you don't solve the problem but it looks more we should have a new powers but they should be used against individuals operations what this bill proposes is that everybody in the country behavior is monitored with all twenty five suspects or they have it a very quote from virtual idea from the home office and one might not go to down to
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well with the rest of the government we've got reports that deputy prime minister nick clegg is preparing to oppose it because of the prospect of infringement of civil rights in the u.k. . now israel said earlier in the week a world continue its element expansion and that's despite a recent un vote that upgraded the palestinian ministrations diplomatic status israel's announcement drew widespread criticism from the un and other major western nations including its main ally the united states meanwhile thousands of people in gaza have joint operations marking the twenty fifth anniversary of hamas the leader of the islamist group khalid meshaal who has vowed to liberate palestine inch by inch called for arab countries to keep on defying is rob british m.p. jeremy corbyn says israel is risking losing international support. netanyahu seems simply to have not cottoned onto the fact that the vast majority of the rest of the world support the right of palestine would just support the right of palestinian
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recognition and therefore not of occupation of the west bank two state solution is something that everyone is wonderful signed up to but the reality on the ground of gars still not having complete free movement in and out and the huge number of settlements across the west bank on the settler roads and of course the problems of east jerusalem suggests that it's quite difficult to achieve it unless there's a real will to withdraw the settlements or palestine to develop and i don't see that will at all with netanyahu if he can't even rely on governments that are basically quite sympathetic to israel and israel's claims then he's losing out big time all around the world and he just needs to wake up i think the washington support will weigh in very quickly obama has been reelected and the reelected president into a second term is at his most powerful and i think the lesson here who might do well to remember that he also very much involved himself in the internal politics the
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usa during the election campaign in that can't even do it himself very much the administration the movement around the world for palestine for palestinian people is unprecedented netanyahu should wake up and recognize that. italian prime minister mario monti who has a non-elected cabinet of technocrats stated that he plans to resign the news came hours after the country's former pm still in there was going to announce he is to run for office in next year's parliamentary elections thursday berlusconi's people of freedom party was druid support from the government he says montes astaire the policies have harmed italy and he hopes to leave the country out of the financial crisis seventy six year old has already served as italy's prime minister for three separate terms he's currently caught up in a number of scandals including tax fraud convictions which he's appealing at accusations of paying for sex with an underage prostitute something he denies. it as well and president hugo chavez has announced he is suffering from cancer once
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again the leader says tests showed a return of some malignant cells in the same area where tumors had been previously removed he will return to cuba where he's already received cancer treatment to either go surgery in the coming days the news comes two months after chavis was reelected as president in a tight vote. beijing as warned india against pursuing oil exploration in the disputed resource rich south china sea it comes in reaction to this week's statement by india's navy chief who announced his country could go as far as sending warships to the area to protect its economic interests investigated the claims. as china and india rise economically their military muscles are growing as well both need energy to keep that kind of growth going and that may be putting the two asian giants on a collision course because of the mess that nationalism the indian government cannot afford to be seem to be reek in dealing with china obviously a higher power with government. over two hundred billion barrels of oil and large
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amounts of natural gas that's more than the vast majority of the world's energy rich nations have all hidden under the south china sea china claims most of the territory for itself but india has also managed to get access by buying a stake in a vietnamese gas field shortly after hanoi accuse chinese boats of sandwich dodging exploration india warned it's ready to use force to defend its interests hopefully as i said the trip not to lead to a longer term conflict but you know it's it's you know the inevitable because both these countries now large ambitions of becoming global actors and players both china and india have been pumping billions of u.s. dollars into their armies and navies holding drills on a regular basis and beijing has also announced its police will soon start to board and inspect foreign vessels surely the vast oil reserves in the south china sea are
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just too big of a cash for now they're trying out working here to pass out because i really want to accomplish between the two economic power houses so it's a really a game that neither can win the two asian giants can't afford any weaknesses and that would make it easier for other countries to take a bite of the vast resources the u.s. has long been increasing its economic and military presence in the region this in yes there west's trying to depict this expansion by both in the china terms of the last. four holes that the last thing that they want is a military clash so if the two eastern powerhouses can share nicely they catch me very well go to some other players already prowling on the sidelines you've got this going on of our team. and coming out party travels to the nevada desert to show you what the famous burning man festival is really like.
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he is i'm to see my destruction without noticing. what could've been just ruins. same by a great sacrifice. under a story by human just such. a remarkable reminder of courage and selflessness. atlanta is a holy people. listen to all the russian side. me please please please please.
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please at least. it's. for.
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gibby the jolly champ was created in the fifty's and mass produced i think it came out of hand and it was on the phone it was a battery powered. toy that when you turned it on he clapped cymbals together all crazy crutch this year i'm in a funny movie and i decided i wanted to make the most noise thing i could think of it represents me in so many ways. that. that's annoying. as far as i am concerned i'm a virtuous person i know i just don't have any money but i didn't want the most
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beautiful places i've ever seen i'm with the people who love me the most and i get to. do this art form that i've come up i've started doing in the last four years and it's just opened my eyes to so many different things and it was all inspired by burning man and it was just a coincidence because i was making costumes for myself and i had decided to make myself a coat and as i was finishing it the first person that came over to visit me said what is that and i said that's my royal road because i had realised when i had put it on it wasn't just a fur coat it actually was a royal road and that's when i became keen. so the first person who came in said i want one of those and i said well it's going to be for five hundred dollars because it's expensive to me he said no problem.
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and he had me custom it so he could put his ball cap on and put the bill of his cap inside. the head so i have this little pocket here form and then. this is so. the reason i open the store was i do a lot of business online all over the world but i don't have a great connection with my community so i figured if i open the store and was visible the people that i want to connect with will come in. i just start this is crazy like we were just driving my friends i was very very ma'am nice got to cold head guy and then i had too many pretty things so i deserve make room for other people and it's also now my right that you wondered coach i've made in four years and i've got all these people on torts nations jack black and progress it's. so i'm looking.


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